
Gustavo Pinedo @HapPie

Age 34, Male


Cochabamba, Bolivia

Joined on 9/19/05

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Because nobody will read this : dreams

Posted by HapPie - August 12th, 2009

Hey there everybody.

For those of you that care about me enough to click this, and cared even more to keep reading, a little warning: this might be a boring news post, since it's about me, and what I do, so if you are not me, and don't care about what do I do, you won't find any kind of benefit from reading this, however, you might end up being of help to me, but if this first lines didn't catch you attention, or you found them pretentious or blatant, I suggest you stop reading.

Now that previous paragraph was totally unnecessary, wasn't it?

Anyways, here goes the post:

The game is coming slowly, but it is coming. Most of the code, and a lot of art too. however, we have zero music, because our music guy disappeared (and that's bad, for us)

So, I want (really really want) to study animation, but, there is no such career available in my country, my most plausible options are either Argentina or Mexico, I have family in Argentina and it's cheaper, but I'm not sure about the quality of the course over there, Mexico sounds better, but it would be fairly difficult to convince my parents to send me over there; As much as I would love to(really really love to) go to the USA or Canada, that would seem almost impossible, given how hard would it be for me to get over there, and the pricey (really pricey) costs of the course over there.
Right now I'm studying Software Engineering, but hopefully next year I won't. Hopefully next year I'll be in Argentina, with a lot of luck maybe on Mexico, and with a miracle maybe on the USA.
Anyways, if anyone knows about the quality of the animation courses on Argentina, or Mexico, please tell me about it. If anyone has godly like powers and can get me to Mexico or the USA, or knows about scholarships or anything, tell me too.

If you've been following my news, you might know I was working on a game (besides the PO3 one), I have almost all the code done, but I halted the project, because it was too art heavy, and I'm too damn perfectionist, I didn't like the way my art was coming, basically, it was ugly. I could ask someone else to do it for me, but would rather have it done myself, so now I'm taking online drawing lessons, so once I feel my art is good, I will continue the game.

However, I started another game, a zelda like game and this time I'll experiment around with pixel art.
This new game was inspired by Yumme Nikki, a bunch of dream articles I read, dream interpretations, the Sandman comic series, and a Borges short story, so...yeah.

So there you go, a lot of text, which probably won't affect anything, and dreams.

Below, to the right:concept art by DooDooMeat for the creature featured in our Power of 3 game ;
to the left, the main character and a house, being dreamed, from my next game about dreams.

Because nobody will read this : dreams


I dreamt of a sky shredded with black suns


I wanna join your Po3
i have some Music
<a href="http://bobo-boy.newgrounds.com/">http://bobo-boy.newgrounds.com/</a>


Nevermind, he's showed up, but thanks for the offer.

Damn, what a shame its so hard for you to continue your studies in animation. You're quite talented and I think you could create some really good stuff.

Have you considered trying for a scholarship? There might be someone out there willing to finance the studies of someone with a proven track record like yourself. I'd take a look around for something... who knows what you'll find?

Heh, I wouldn't say I have really great stuff, the few stuff that I've managed to submit is not that great, and the rest is either incomplete, or disappeared forever.
If I wasn't such a damn perfectionist I would submit more often, I'm still amazed that I submitted the Bright in the Screen in such a buggy state.

As for scholarships, yeah, I've looked around, but most scholarships are for post grades, or social/ambient related degrees.

I can't read!!! *a tear is shed*

Not hearing from your music guy? Make sure he's alright. It would suck if he got hospitalized. Move on if you have to, but first try to make sure he wasn't hurt.

He's alive, I've seen him posting stuff around, he's just not talking to us.

As for animation studies, is online courses a possiblility for you? That might be an easier alternative then moving. Whatever you choose; good luck, man.

That concept art looks pretty awesome. I'd be interested in seeing the end product.

Welp, that's lame of him. Kittens.